Monday, 23 July 2012


Parsnips!!! A vegetable I detested as a child but have lately realised is delicious if cooked the right way.  One of the best ways I like parsnip is mashed.  Of course you have to get good parsnips to being with – firm and creamy white, young with plenty of flesh and it is good if they have had a touch of frost while they are growing as it makes them sweeter.  Parsnips are one of the few vegetables, apart from the cabbage family, that like growing in winter but don’t forget if you want to grow them you must use fresh seed.

Mashed parsnips

1.    Chop up 4 parsnips into fairly large pieces and place them in a saucepan with about a litre of milk and about three 2 cm long pieces of peeled ginger root. 

2.    Cook your parsnip in the milk until they are very tender. 

3.    Strain, discard the ginger if you like

4.    Puree your parsnip in a food processer with lots of butter and season to taste. 

This recipe takes parsnips to a whole new level of flavour and creaminess.

Roast Parsnips

This is how most of us eat parsnips.  Roast parsnips can be sublime if you emphasise their natural sweetness.

1.    Cut your parsnips into chunks or cut into quarters depending on their size

2.    Place your parsnips in a baking dish sprayed or coated with some olive oil ( you can speed up the cooking  process by pre-boiling the vegetables for 5 minutes

3.    Add other vegetables that have some sweetness such as carrots and leeks (cut in half lengthwise) even a few cooking apples if you like

4.    Cook in a 180°C oven for 25 – 50 minutes until they are just tender

5.    You can then provide a bit of a flavour hit by adding some of the following:

o   1 teaspoon of toasted caraway or cumin seeds

o   2 tablespoons each of genuine maple syrup and chopped hazel nuts

o   2 tablespoons of honey mixed with 2 teaspoons of wholegrain mustard

o   4 whole bacon rashers

o   A slurp of balsamic vinegar or a dash of balsamic vinegar glaze

Continue roasting for another 5-10 minutes until the vegetables are carmelised but not burnt

 Pureed parnips

Pureed boiled, steamed or even roasted parsnips can be used for a fashionable smear on your plate to form a base for other delicacies or turned into soups or even dips with a bit of imagination and flavourings.  Sometimes parsnips can be a bit fibrous, if so sieve your puree before using it.  You can add parsnip puree to mashes of potato, carrot, sweet potato or peas to add extra depth of flavour. Try parsnip, celeriac and blue cheese mash at

or parsnip, ginger puree with basil oil

 Curried parsnip soup

1.    Sauté aromatics such as a chopped onion, celery, garlic, chilli and ginger in a pan

2.    Add 4 large peeled, chopped parsnips (add carrots or sweep potato if you like)

3.    Sauté for a few minutes with a tbsp of good quality curry powder or paste, you could also add some mustard seeds, garam masala or turmeric, cumin or Moroccan spice

4.    Add 1 litre of vegetable or chicken stock and cook until the vegetables are very tender

5.    Cool a little and puree in a blender

6.    Return to pan and add a small can of coconut milk

7.    Garnish with chopped coriander leaves or fried curry leaves

You can also make parsnip chips by frying very thinly sliced parsnip rings in hot oil.
For hints for cooking parsnips try

For tips on growing parsnips try

End of week two - weight 87.8 kg - see the Diary of a Food Addict under Eating for a progess report on my dieting campaign

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