Sunday, 26 August 2012

tips, weight loss, pumpkin soup, beetroot, ethical food shopping and eating out issues

Waste Not Tip:  Don't waste small amounts of stock, sauce, tomato puree or paste put them into ice cube trays and freeze.  Once frozen, pack into vacuum seal bags, label and keep in freezer to add to casseroles, soups etc for extra flavour.

Ethical Eating tip: Check out to purchase certified organic pure raw chocolate powder.  This cacao powder has not been'dutched' during production and therefore has a very high level of antioxidants and the company abides by fair trade principles.

Weight Loss - 85.7kg - a loss of 900g despite the temptation to follow the suggestion of giving up dieting, staying fat and enjoying life without any guilt about what you eat - see diary of a food addict.

Beetroot Beauties - see the winter tab for how to use these versatile root vegetables for every course of your meal.

Ethical Eating - Do you base your food shopping on ethical considerations as well as cost and convenience?  Check out why ethics are important under the philosophy tab.

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